Church History
Our Preacher
Staff & Officers
Sunday School


August 2004

Rapping with Rick


I’m anticipating the preaching of a short series of sermons this month 
on the New Testament book of Hebrews.  A major unifying emphasis
 of this amazing book is keeping the faith. But the writer (preacher!) of
 this book makes it clear: keeping the faith is not something done in isolation. 
Faith cannot be acquired strictly on one’s own. It is not something you get by yourself; 
it is a communal phenomenon.  Faith is relational.
When my hope in the promise of God’s love is weak, your trustworthiness in living out 
the promise of God’s love toward me will strengthen me. When you are feeling burdened
in the struggle to be faithful to the promise, my hope in the promise will strengthen you.

Together in hope and trust toward one another, we create the faith that will see us through 
until God makes all things new.  In this communal faith, among this cloud of witnesses, we 
have “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).


The Lay Shepherding Equipping Seminar has been rescheduled for September 29-30
(Wednesday and Thursday evenings). In addition, Kaye Schloemer from St. Matthew’s 
UMC in Madison is planning to come down and give a presentation about this ministry 
this month in August.  Please stay tuned for that date.


                                                Yours in the Faith,





The Chancel Choir will be resuming their positions in 

the choir loft on Sunday, August 1st and will be singing 

the beautiful piece of repentance, “All We Like Sheep”. 

I hope you will welcome them back and even consider a 

place in the choir for yourself.  We can always use more members. 

 For all of those who have been traveling throughout the summer

 vacation, you were missed and we pray for your speedy return.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Thanks you to all of you who sang special music during the month

 of July.  We really enjoyed Jannelle McLain, the VBS Choir, Rick Brooks,

 and David Dorn & Beth Benvenutti.  I also enjoyed hearing Bob Edmonds

 play at the 9:00 a.m. worship service.  Practice makes perfect, and Bob is

living proof of that dedication!  John Hively also does a good job of leading 

the hymns and remaining dedicated to his service. 

Thank you.



If you are a member of Main Street Methodist and don’t know about this 

program, it is time to find out about it and get on board.

REAL DEAL is an after school program for kids in grades 1-5 that is held

 every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:00p.m. Many volunteers help to bring

 quality time to your children through the areas of crafts, music, story time, 

videos, games, cookery, and puppetry.

We will “kick off” our school term session with a “BACK TO SCHOOL” 

party on Wednesday, August 4th . This party will begin at 2:00 p.m. and 

end at 4:00p.m. This is the only time that it will be early and that is because 

we have a special clown guest, a cake and ice cream and surprises all lined up for you.

If any child needs more information, please call the church office between 9:00 am – 1:00pm 

at 467-4538.




Pat Casey                                  Aug 1st

Christopher Flowers                  Aug 1st

Julia Brammer                          Aug 2nd

Megan Uram                             Aug 3rd

Andrew Enloe                           Aug 4th

Susan Monti                              Aug 4th

Mallory Pitcairin                       Aug 5th

Nancy Ann Sherman                  Aug 6th

Leola Bell                                 Aug 8th

Kristen Stanford                      Aug 8th

Mignon May                              Aug 8th

Lucille Boudreaux                     Aug 9th

Ordean Powell                          Aug 9th

Pat Smith                                  Aug 10th

Barbara White                          Aug 11th

Brooke Moran                           Aug 12th

Kendrick Byrd                          Aug 12th

Deborah Bell                             Aug 12th

Jay Gamble                              Aug 14th

Bill Patterson                            Aug 15th

Edie Hurlstone                          Aug 16th

Michael Enloe                           Aug 18th

Marby Schon-Tilden                 Aug 18th

Paul Byrd                                  Aug 18th

Bob Calahan                              Aug 20th

Betty Swanson                          Aug 21st

Amy Frierson                            Aug 27th

Fred Wagner                            Aug 27th

Anne Diliberto                          Aug 27th

Byron Lynch                              Aug 29th

Fran Gray                                 Aug 29th

Judy Lipscomb                          Aug 29th





Books by Bishop Robert C. Morgan, such as "Who's Coming To Dinner?"  
The author retells and examines the occasions when Jesus participated in a 
meal or shared a parable related to a mealtime experience He then demonstrates 
how Jesus used these times to teach salvation, forgiveness, servant hood, justice, 
love, eternal life, compassion, and grace.


"Stories From The Heart", compiled by Alice Gray, holds a collection of many 
timeless stories collected from many famous authors.  These stories of compassion 
and encouragement will warm your heart as you learn from their wisdom.  One of 
the many books in our biography section are "Paul, A Man Of 

Grace and Grit" by Charles  Swindoll.


                          MAIN STREET UMC MISSION FAIR 2004, 

                           SUNDAY, OCT. 24TH



Displays, videos, resource people to share information and enthusiasm,

 and food are just some of the highlights!  See where our church – WE – are

 working to reach out to others in Jesus’ name.  Whether it is at home, 

church, school, work, in the community, nation or world, GOD HAS A

 PLACE FOR EACH OF US!  Please pray about what God wants us to do 

as we join Him in His mission field.  How will we respond to His call? 

 God bless us as we seek to follow where He leads us individually and as

 a church.  Let us join together and participate in our Mission Fair 2004, 

Sunday, Oct. 24th!     See you there!

                          The Main Street Mission Team



Please pray for the following missionaries:

Daniel D. Heiner in Nicaragua

Jeanne Ntambo in Dem. Republic of Congo

Rachel Frances Small in West Virginia

Gladman Nysasha Makwenya in Zimbabwe

Sally Bevill in Mississippi

David and Lisa Doll in Florida

Arnold Oh and Clara Biswas in Cambodia


Spaseeba, (Thank You) for all your support for our trip to 

Ufa, Russia.  Our mission suitcase is full and your monetary gifts will 

assure that unexpected needs at the orphanages, senior centers,

 rehab centers, and Jail #1 might be met.

Yours in Christ,                    Norm & Anita Montgomery



The outreach Committee is once again trying to reach out to the children who are at Hope Haven.  For safety reasons the staff are not allowed to cook fried foods in the home. Since children generally love fried chicken, we would like for the members of Main Street to provide a fried chicken treat for these children at least once a month. We are asking individuals, classes, organizations or groups of friends to undertake this task, which is really a joyful experience.  You may cook your own or take the easy way by purchasing chicken from a deli at the supermarket or a fast food store.  We suggest at least 20 pieces of chicken and possibly French fries.  The really important thing is for you to visit the home when you do this.  It is a blessing to see those children so well cared for and loved. If you cannot actually visit, but would like to supply the chicken, contact Betty Allen at 463-9748.  A sign up sheet for volunteers is posted on the mission table and on the office window.  Thanks in advance for your concern.

The Mission Team




     What an awesome trip we had as we focused on Jesus and God’s plan for His ministry in the Navajo Nation!  The children and adults at Many Farms Lakeside and Spider Rock United Methodist Church would like to thank you for the VBS craft/school supply kits and books that you sent for them.  (One girl cried when she couldn’t take that special box home the first day!) Approximately 125 people attended the Bible schools at the two locations.  With their new “distribution center” almost ready to open, Lakeside Church was especially glad to have some extra school supplies to reach out to other needy children in their community with the love of God.  In addition, money from us at Main St. UMC was used to buy paint and painting supplies for the team to paint the Lakeside church building and new distribution center (an unexpected job), purchase infant and toddler toys needed in VBS, contribute to the fund to hook up the new electrical service for the children’s and fellowship area, and help to fund the survey of the land needed at Spider Rock UMC in order for that church to have a permanent, legal church site.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY AND YOUR PRAYERS!  In the hands of God much more than we could hope for can be accomplished!   Pictures will be put on the Ministry Bulletin Board outside Rebecca Hall soon.  A video should also be ready to see at the Main St. 2004 Mission Fair on Sun., Oct. 24th.   God bless you.

                                                                                                             John and Judy Mayer




"One who takes care of another's property or goods is a Steward.  As Christians, we believe

 that our lives and all we possess are gifts from God, and thus we should take care of 

them as good Stewards.  None can escape being a Steward of God's possessions. 

 This includes our handling of money and other resources, our treatment of other people, 

and our worship of God."























Send mail to fconaway@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.