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Sunday School



Main Street United Methodist Sunday School

Fellowship time: 9:45 a.m.

Individual Classes: 10:00 a.m.


The nursery-age children are cared for in a Christian environment.


4-5 Year Olds

The children will learn that Jesus loves us by listening to Bible stories, singing songs, and making projects.


Grades 1-2

We are learning about the Bible in a relaxed setting.  We learn a Bible verse and relate it to a Bible story.  We may play a game, make an art project, color, write, do drama, and have insightful discussions.   We occasionally participate in outreach programs to further build Christian values.

Grades 3-4

Every week we bring our Bibles.  If everyone brings their Bible through the 13 weeks, we have a party at the end of the session.   We look verses up in the Bible.  We hear a story, act out a story, or play a game.  Sometimes if we have time, we can make something.  We always have lots of fun!!

Grades 5-6

This age group is neither child nor youth.   Young adolescents are growing in rapid spurts.  They need to move about--playing games--creating--and are sometimes taxing to the teacher to keep their attention.  They need someone to show an interest in their activities and to be willing to listen to their concerns.  Some have a great Bible story background and it's a challenge to enlarge on this.  As a teacher, I pray constantly that I can get their attention even partially during the lesson and to be a significant adult in their lives.

Junior/Senior High

Grades 7-12

The youth curriculum is centered around life and Christian faith issues as they affect young teens.  Weekly lessons incorporate scripture readings with group activities designed to connect the Bible with today's world.   Classes are relaxed, casual, and loosely structured.

Young Adults (Single/Married)

Life Search

Our class is geared toward young adults, single or married.  We have a very laid-back approach to our study of god.  We offer a wide variety of lessons on which the class as a whole votes.  Our studies have ranged from the Bible to parenting.  We have great discussions, and we invite all to come and join in.  We also like to have an annual Christmas party.  It's lots of fun.

Adult Classes


This is a class made up entirely of women.  We didn't plan it this way;  it just happened--so, we take up issues that are relevant to us.  We have studied Women of the Bible, Great Bible Heroes, The Jesus I Knew, and Seasons of the Christian Year Selected Studies.  At the conclusion of each book study (about eight lessons), the class eats breakfast at the Holiday Inn restaurant in Waveland.   We welcome new members as we join in prayer, Bible study, and laughter through fellowship.

The Seekers

Our group of men and women meet each week for Bible study and discussion.  The material used is the International Lesson Series published by Cokesbury, but other books are used occasionally.  Our class is conducted as a discussion group so that everyone is encouraged to express his/her opinion.   The discussion leader is rotated each week, and the members of the class take turns as leader.  This allows us to be exposed to a wide range of views on the many topics discussed.  We want to be a support group as well as a discussion group, and time is reserved each week for members to express the joys and concerns in their lives.   Social activities are planned from time to time.  New members are welcome and encouraged.




Send mail to fconaway@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.